Monday, October 26, 2009

Homework C2 #5

Answer the following questions:

1. Why did Judith Shatin found the Virginia Center for Computer Music 20 years ago?
2. How has the VCCM center has grown in the past 20 years?
3. What kinds of works does Ted Coffey, who joined the faculty in 2006, include?
4. What are some of the projects the instructors offer?
5. Who are the newest members of the VCCM team?

Due Monday, November 2, 2009

Homework C2 #4

Click or paste the following url into your browser.

Read the article:

Due Monday, November 2, 200

Homework C2 #3

Create original sentences with the following words using them in the proper context. Pay attention to case, tense and whether it is a noun, verb, adjective or adverb.

1. forefront
2. linguistic
3. tangent
4. mimic
5. infectious

Due Monday, November 2, 2009

Homework C2 #2

Create original sentences with the following words using them in the proper context. Pay attention to case, tense and whether it is a noun, verb, adjective or adverb.

1. ferment
2. endeavor
3. astronomically
4. attributes
5. dogma

Due Monday, November 2, 2009

Homework C2 #1

Define the following words:

1. ferment
2. endeavor
3. astronomically
4. attributes
5. dogma
6. forefront
7. linguistic
8. tangent
9. mimic
10. infectious

Due Monday, November 2, 2009

Monday, October 12, 2009

Homework #25

Answer the following questions:

1. What did Wayne Coyne produce in his backyard?
2. What is the the dramatic left turn the Flaming Lips have taken with their Mystics follow-up?
3. What does Embryonic's formidable opener "Convinced of the Hex" owe its grooves to?
4. Why does "I Can Be a Frog" read like another of Coyne's animal-populated nursery rhymes, but is too creepy for kindergarten?
5. What new phase does Embryonic portend for the Flaming Lips?

Due Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Homework #24

Create original sentences with the following words using them in the proper context. Pay attention to case, tense and whether it is a noun, verb, adjective or adverb.

1. demise
2. respites
3. foreboding
4. lapse
5. herald

Due Tuesday October 20, 2009

Homework #23

Create original sentences with the following words using them in the proper context. Pay attention to case, tense and whether it is a noun, verb, adjective or adverb.

1. gestation
2. cloying
3. squelching
4. holistic
5. minions

Due Tuesday October 20, 2009

Homework #22

Define the following words:

1. Sagittarius
2. demise
3. onslaught
4. ominous
5. respites
6. foreboding
7. strobe
8. lapse
9. herald
10. splendorous

Due Tuesday October 20, 2009

Homework #21

Define the following words:

1. gestation
2. scattershot
3. cloying
4. ruminate
5. hallucinogenic
6. squelching
7. holistic
8. devoid
9. fatalist
10. minions

Due Tuesday October 20, 2009

Homework #20

Click or paste the following url into your browser.

Read the article:

Due Tuesday October 20, 2009

Monday, October 5, 2009

Homework #19

Answer the following questions:

1. Who is Emily Howell?
2. Why did Cope originally start this project?
3. What does EMI stand for in this article?
4. What did Cope say to his detractors?
5. What kind of theory is Cope using for his newest project?

Due Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Homework #18

Create original sentences with the following words using them in the proper context. Pay attention to case, tense and whether it is a noun, verb, adjective or adverb.

1. detractors
2. amalgam
3. excruciating
4. smug
5. akin

Due Tuesday October 13, 2009

Homework #17

Create original sentences with the following words using them in the proper context. Pay attention to case, tense and whether it is a noun, verb, adjective or adverb.

1. predecessor
2. analytical
3. academia
4. innate
5. refuted

Due Tuesday October 13, 2009

Homework #16

Define the following words:

1. predecessor
2. analytical
3. academia
4. innate
5. refuted
6. detractors
7. amalgam
8. excruciating
9. smug
10. akin

Due Tuesday October 13, 2009

Homework #15

Click or paste the following url into your browser.

Read the article:

Due Tuesday October 13, 2009