Monday, September 27, 2010

Homework 2010-2011 C1 #7 through 10

7. Monday:

1. What is the time signature if there are 4 quarter notes in each bar?
2. What is the time signature if there are 12 eighth notes in each bar?
3. What is the time signature if there are two half notes in each bar?
4. What is the time signature if there are 16 sixteenth notes in each bar?
5. What is the time signature if there are 20 sixteenth notes in each bar?
6. How many eight notes are in a bar of 5/4 time?
7. How many quarter notes are in a bar of 3/4 time?
8. How many sixteenth notes are in a bar of 2/4 time?
9. How many whole notes are in a bar of 4/4 time?
10. What is cut time?

8. Tuesday:

Write a half rest, a quarter rest, an eighth rest and a sixteenth rest on your manuscript paper.

9. Wednesday:

On your music paper write some music with eighth note triplets in the first bar, quarter notes in the second bar, quarter notes and sixteenth notes in the third bar and quarter note triplets in the fourth bar.

10. Thursday:

Write out the count for the "21 Guns" hand out.

Due October 8, 2010

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Homework 2010-2011 C1 #1 through 6

1. Write the letter names beside every note on the 21 Guns handout.

2. On the grand staff:
Write every A, F, D, E, B, G, C

3. On the grand staff:
Write every note of the D major scale starting on the middle line of the bass clef. Write every note of the G major scale starting on the bottom line of the bass clef

4. On the grand staff:
Write the key signature for the key of Bb. Practice making the clef signs. Write the key signature for the key of Eb.

5. What are the enharmonic equivalents of they following notes:

6. What are the relative minor keys of following major keys:

Due Friday October 1 or Monday October 3, 2010 by email (