Monday, October 22, 2012

Homework 2012-2013 C1 HW #16-18

Homework #16
Answer the following question:
What are 3 reasons why music should be written down?

Homework #17
Answer the following questions about music notation:
1. What is a time signature?
2. What is tempo?
3. What is the point of bar lines?
4. How do you indicate a loop?

Homework #18

Answer the following questions about music notation:
1. What does a whole note look like?
2. What are the most common note values?
3. What does a dot after a note mean?
4. How do you indicate that a note carries over into the next bar?

Due Friday October 26 of Friday November 2 if by email ( 

Monday, October 15, 2012

Homework 2012-2013 C1 #13-15

Homework #13
Answer the following question:
What are 3 ways to find your way around the guitar without looking at the fingerboard?

Homework #14
Answer the following question:
What are 3 ways that playing the guitar is like playing the piano?

Homework #15

Answer the following question:

What are 3 ways that playing the guitar is different from playing the piano?

Due Friday October 19, 2012 or Friday October 26 if by email (

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Homework 2012-2013 HW#10-12

Homework #10
Answer the following question:
What are the 7 most important rules for piano fingering?

Homework #11

Answer the following question:
Why are the black notes sometimes called sharps and sometimes called flats?

Homework #12
Answer the following questions:
1. What is an inversion?
2. What are the first and second inversions?
3. If it hurts or you get a cramp while playing the piano what should you do?
4. Why is the key of C the most popular key for beginning piano players to play in?

Due Friday, October 5, 2012 or Friday, October 12 if by email (

Monday, October 1, 2012

Homework 2012-2013 C1 #7-9

Homework #7

1. Where is the C key located on the piano?
2. How should your arms be when playing the piano?
3. How should your fingers be when playing the piano?
4. What fingers do you use to play a root position chord?

Homework #8

1. How are the fingers numbered when playing the piano?
2. What does tempo mean?
3. What is a chord progression?
4. Name some techniques for getting around on the piano without looking at the keys.

Homework #9
1. What is it called when music is written down?
2. What are the names of the white notes on the piano keyboard?
3. What does it mean when notes are stacked on top of each other?
4. What is the phrase to help remember the lines on the treble staff?
5. What do the spaces on the treble staff spell?
6. How should your fingers be positioned when you play Ode to Joy in GB piano lesson 2?

Due Friday Oct 5, 2011 or Friday Oct 12, 2011 if by email (