Monday, December 19, 2011

Homework 2011-2012 C3 #7-9

Answer the following:

Homework #7

1. What are the 3 most common song structures in modern popular music?
2. What is the major difference between a verse and a chorus?
3. What are two things that make the bridge different from the verse and chorus?
4. What are some other structural elements used in popular songs?

Homework #8

1. How can you import a mp3 file into Garageband?
2. What two tools can you use to adjust the tempo of your imported file?
3. How can you cut a file into sections?
4. How can you change an imported file to an Apple loop?

Homework #9

1. What is the name of your song?
2. What is the structure you are going to use?
3. What song is similar to your song?
4. What makes your song different?

Due Friday, Dec 23 or Friday January 6, 2012 if by email (

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