Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Homework 2011-2012 C4 #7-9

Homework #7

1. How many different notes are in one octave?
2. What are sharps and flats?
3. What is a whole step?
4. What is the pattern of whole and half steps in a major diatonic scale?

Homework #8

1. What is an arpeggio?
2. What direction does the arpeggio go in Alicia Key's song "Ain't Got You"?
3. How do you know what key a song is in when reading music?
4. What key is "Ain't Got You" in?

Homework #9

1. What does it mean when there is a dot after the note?
2. What does it mean when two notes are tied together?
3. What does it mean when a note is accented?
4. How is it written when a note is supposed to be accented?

Due Friday, March 2 or Friday March 9 if by email (albertwestside@gmail.com)

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