Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Homework 2011-2012 C5 #4-6

Homework #4

1. What is the Strophic form?
2. What are some other common song structures?
3. Why is the introduction to a song not considered essential?
4. What is the song structure called if it has no repeating sections?

Homework #5

1. What is number of bars for each chord in the 12 bar blues?
2. How many half steps are there between the 1 chord and the 4 chord?
3. Why is the five chord 7 half steps up but only 5 half steps down?
4. What is the most common lyric pattern for the 12 bar blues?

Homework #6

1. What are the differences in the two definitions of the song element "bridge"?
2. What is the "middle eight"?
3. What is a "collision" as a song structural element?
4. What is a "coda"?

Due Thursday April 5 or Friday April 20 if by email (

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