Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Homework 2011-2012 C6 #7-9

Homework #7

1. Why is the traditional grip for drummers not symmetrical?
2. What information can you get from the two numbers that comprise a time signature?
3. How do you count 16th notes in 4/4 time?
4. What does bpm mean?

Homework #8

1. What are the main parts of an ordinary drum set?
2. What kinds of cymbals do you usually find?
3. What is the most common function of the snare drum?
4. What is a common ride pattern on the cymbals?

Homework #9

1. Who invented the bass drum pedal?
2. What drummer first made the drum set popular and who did he play with?
3. What is the name of the exercises most drummers practice?
4. Name the three drummers who recorded the most hits in the history of rock and roll.

Due Friday June 1 or Friday June 8 if by email (albertwestside@gmail.com)

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