Monday, January 7, 2013

Homework 2012-2013 C2 HW# 7-9

Homework # 7
Answer the following questions:

1. What are the frets on a guitar?
2. What is the difference between a low note and a high note?
3. What are harmonics?
4. How do guitar makers know where to put the frets on a guitar?

Homework #8
Answer the following questions:

1. If you put a capo on the 7th fret of a guitar that is open D tuning what is the new key?
2. To play a lower note on the same string which direction does your hand need to move?
3. To tune a guitar what is the first thing you must do?
4. What are the notes of each string in open D tuning?

Homework #9
Answer the following questions:

1. What are some of the reasons for putting a bridge in a song?
2. What are some differences between a verse and a chorus?
3. How much can you take from another song without being sued?
4. What are some of the ways you can raise the emotional level of a song?

Due Friday January 11, 2013 or Friday January 18, 2013 if by email (

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