Monday, March 10, 2014

Homework 2013-2014 C2 #19-21

Homework #19
Answer the following questions about Garageband:
1. How can you record using the keyboard shortcut?
2. When you punch in on a track how can you hear a bit of it before you start recording?
3. When you start recording how do you know where you are recording?
4. What is the only time that the recording shortcut doesn't work?

Homework #20
Answer the following questions about songwriting:
1. What is an advantage to putting your lyrics into regular stanzas?
2. If a lyric doesn't rhyme, what options do you have?
3. If a lyric doesn't fit into the pattern you've set up, what can you do?
4. How long are most pop songs?

Homework #21
Answer the following questions about your final project:
1. How did your idea of what you were going to write and what you actually wrote change over the course of the cycle?
2. How satisfied are you with your final result?
3. If you had to write another song, what would you write about?
4. What other types of writing could you use destination writing for?


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