Monday, May 12, 2014

Homework 2013-2014 C3 HW#13-15

Homework #13
Answer the following questions about the guitar:
1. What are some things to make it easier to fret the guitar?
2. What are downstrokes?
3. What is double picking?
4. What do an A minor chord and an E major chord have in common?

Homework #14
Answer the following questions about power chords:
1. What well known rap song uses power chords?
2. What is the shape of a power chord?
3. Why do they call it a power chord?
4. What is palm muting?

Homework #15
Answer the following questions about TAB notation:
1. How many lines are used for TAB?
2. How do you know what notes the strings are tuned to?
3. Which string is which in TAB?
4. What is one thing not noted in TAB?


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