Monday, April 28, 2014

Homework 2013-2014 C3 HW #7-9

Last week we reviewed all the piano lessons we have had so far this cycle. Here are some questions about that review.

Homework #7
Answer the following questions about piano exercises:
1. What is the Hanon?
2. What is the purpose of the Hanon?
3. What black key do you use for the scale in the key of G?
4. What finger on the right hand do you use to play it?

Homework #8
Answer the following questions about the piano keyboard:
1. Why are the black keys sometimes sharp and sometimes flat?
2. When you look at music, how do you know what key a song is in?
3. What fingering do you use for a root position chord?
4. What fingering would you use for a root position 7th chord?

Homework #9
Answer the following questions about John Legend's "Ordinary People":
1. What key is Ordinary People in for the Garageband lesson?
2. How is it different from the "Get Lifted" version?
3. What kind of 7th chord does he use?
4. What does this song have in common with Für Elise?

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