Monday, April 7, 2014

Homework 2013-2014 C3 HW #4-6

Homework #4
Answer the following questions about the piano:
1. When do you have to use finger crossing in the C major scale?
2. Why is this fingering useful?
3. What is a 7th chord?
4. How may different kinds of 7th chords are there?

Homework #5
Answer the following questions about Heart and Soul:
1. Who wrote Heart and Soul?
2. What year was it first a hit?
3. What was happening in America at the time?
4. What key is Heart and Soul in?

Homework #6
Answer the following questions about Für Elise:
1. What was the original title of Für Elise?
2. Who was the Elise?
3. What are the two chords the A section based around?
4. What note does the song start on?


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