Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Homework 2010-2011 C2 #16

Answer the following questions:

1. In the standard rock beat, on what beats does the bass drum play?
2. How is a rim shot played?
3. Name one difference between a ride cymbal and a crash cymbal.
4. What is syncopation?
5. What is the difference between a shuffle and swing?
6. How do drummers play a closed roll?
7. What fingers are used to grip a drumstick?

Due Tuesday November 23

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Homework 2010-2011 C2 #15

Answer the following questions about GB guitar lesson #4:

1. What is the difference between an E minor chord and and E major chord?
2. What fingering shape does an A minor chord have?
3. Do you usually say major when talking about an E major chord?
4. What does a capo do?
5. What do you call making the same shapes on the guitar sound higher?
6. How many eighth notes per beat are there in 12/8 time?
7. What are the new chords in this lesson?

Due Tuesday November 23

Homework 2010-2011 C2 #14

Answer the following questions:

1. When two keys are right next to each other on the piano what is the distance between them called?
2. How many half steps are there between C and C?
3. When you put two half steps together what is it called?
4. What notes in the C major scale are half  steps?
5. Where are key signatures usually located on the staff?
6. What is an arpeggio?
7. What direction does the arpeggio in GB piano lesson #5 go?

Due Tuesday November 23

Monday, November 15, 2010

Homework 2010-2011 C2 #13

Answer the following questions:

1. How can you play and rewind your track in Garageband without using the transport controls?
2. Why is the key of your track important?
3. What preferences can you change in the My Info window?
4. How do you put loops into your favorites folder?
5. What is the Arrangement Track for?
6. What can you do with the Master Track?
7. Where is the Vocal Transformer located?

Due Tuesday, November 23.

Homework 2010-2011 C2 #12

Answer the following questions:

1. What does a quarter note look like and how many beats does it get?
2. What kind of note gets 2 beats and what does it look like?
3. What is the name for the area between two bar lines on a staff?
4. What do each of the numbers in a time signature stand for?
5. What is the most common time signature?
6. How many beats does a whole note take?
7. In 4/4 time how many quarter notes are there in a measure?

Due Tuesday November 23.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Homework 2010-2011 C2 #11

Answer the following questions:

1. What is the numbering system for each of your hands for piano?
2. What is the numbering system for the left hand for guitar (if you're right handed)?
3. What are the notes of an A minor chord?
4. What does the sustain pedal do?
5. What note is on the bottom line of the bass staff?
6. What note is on the top line of the bass staff?
7. What is an octave?

Due Friday November 19.

Homework 2010-2011 C2 #10

Answer the following questions:

1. How can you add a vocal track in Garageband?
2. Where is the zoom control located?
3. What is the difference between the loop button in the transport section and the loop cursor?
4. What is feedback in Garageband?
5. What are the hot keys to bring up the musical typing keyboard?
6. Why can't you drag a blue loop into a green track?
7. What does the mute icon look like?

Due Friday, November 19.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Homework 2010-2011 C2 #9

Answer the following questions:

1. What is the line that middle C is written on called?
2. In piano music when the bass and treble staffs are connected together, what is it called?
3. What fingers are used in a root position chord?
4. How many beats does a half note get?
5. What is a metronome?
6. Where is C located on the piano in relation to the black notes?
7. Where is G located on the piano in relation to the black notes?

Due Friday November 19, 2010

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Homework 2010-2011 C2 #8

Answer the following questions?

1. On the guitar, what is the fingering for a G chord?
2. On the guitar, what is the fingering for a C chord?
3. On the guitar, what is the fingering for an E chord?
4. On the guitar, what is the fingering for an A chord?
5. On the guitar, what is the fingering for a D chord?
6. What chords do you need to play the blues in GB guitar lesson 3?
7. What kind of rhythm do you use for the blues in GB guitar lesson 3?

Due Friday, November 12, 2010

Homework 2010-2011 C2 #7

Answer the following questions:

1. How do you erase something in Garageband?
2. How can you erase an entire track in Garageband?
3. How can you fix the timing in your track?
4. How can you hear yourself if you're recording a vocal?
5. How do you get the t-pain effect on your vocal?
6. Why doesn't the loop I recorded sound right when I loop it?
7. What's that clicking sound I hear when I'm trying to record?

Due Friday, November 12, 2010

Homework 2010-2011 C2 #6

Answer the following questions:

1. What is it called when music is written down?
2. What are the names of the white notes on the piano keyboard?
3. What does it mean when notes are stacked on top of each other?
4. What note is on the bottom line of the treble clef staff?
5. What do the spaces on the treble staff spell?
6. What is the phrase to help remember the lines on the treble staff?
7. How should your fingers be positioned when you play Ode to Joy in GB piano lesson 2?

Due Friday, November 12, 2010

Monday, November 1, 2010

Homework 2010-2011 C2 #5

Answer the following questions:

1. In Garageband where are the transport controls located?
2. What does the loop icon look like?
3. How can you edit a track?
4. After you've created a track how can you change the tempo?
5. What does the solo icon look like?
6. What do you have to do to play the keyboard with your computer keys?
7. How do you save your track in iTunes?

Due Monday, November 8, 2010