Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Homework 2014-2015 C2 #16-18

Homework #16
Answer the following questions about storyboarding:
1. When the angle of a shot is low what is the effect?
2. What is the role of perspective in shots with multiple characters?
3. What kind of focus effects can you create?
4. How does lighting influence the feeling of a shot?

Homework #17
Answer the following questions about green screen effects:
1. What is the concept of the "Bleed It Out" video?
2. How was this effect achieved?
3. How was the single take effect achieved?
4. What are some other common examples of green screen effects?

Homework #18
Answer the following questions about Bob Dylan:
1. Why was Bob Dylan first considered a folk artist?
2. How did moving to NYC affect his songwriting?
3. Why did he switch to electric guitar?
4. What was unusual about him as an artist?

email me: albertwestside@gmail.com

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Homework 2014-2015 C2 HW #13-15

Homework # 13
Answer the following questions about the early life of the Beatles:
1. Where were the Beatles born and raised?
2. What was the German Blitz?
3. Why was Liverpool a target for the Germans in WW2?
4. How did conditions after the war affect the culture there?

Homework #14
Answer the following questions about Beatlemania:
1. How many people in America tuned into the Ed Sullivan show on Feb. 9, 1964?
2. What was unusual about the Beatles first record chart success?
3. Who was instrumental in shaping their image?
4. How did Ringo get the job as their drummer?

Homework #15
Answer the following questions about a storyboard:
1. What is the purpose of a storyboard?
2. What is the first thing you need to do before making a storyboard?
3. What information should you include in your storyboard?
4. What is the least amount of time you can spend on a shot?

email me: albertwestside@gmail.com