Monday, December 19, 2011

Homework 2011-2012 C3 #7-9

Answer the following:

Homework #7

1. What are the 3 most common song structures in modern popular music?
2. What is the major difference between a verse and a chorus?
3. What are two things that make the bridge different from the verse and chorus?
4. What are some other structural elements used in popular songs?

Homework #8

1. How can you import a mp3 file into Garageband?
2. What two tools can you use to adjust the tempo of your imported file?
3. How can you cut a file into sections?
4. How can you change an imported file to an Apple loop?

Homework #9

1. What is the name of your song?
2. What is the structure you are going to use?
3. What song is similar to your song?
4. What makes your song different?

Due Friday, Dec 23 or Friday January 6, 2012 if by email (

Monday, December 12, 2011

Homework 2011-2012 C3 #4-6

Answer the following questions:

Homework #4

1. How do you put loops into your favorites folder?
2. Why can't you drag a blue loop into a green track?
3. How do you erase something in Garageband?
4. How can you erase an entire track in Garageband?

Homework #5

1. How can you fix the timing in your track?
2. How can you hear yourself if you're recording a vocal?
3. How do you get the t-pain effect on your vocal?
4. Why is the key of your track important?

Homework #6

1. How can you play and rewind your track in Garageband without using the transport controls?
2. What does the cycle button look like?
3. What can you do with the Master Track?
4. What is the Arrangement Track for?

Due Friday Dec 16 or Friday Dec 23 if by email (

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Homework 2011-2012 C3 #1-3

Answer the following questions:

Homework #1
1. When you create a new track in Garageband what is the first thing you must do?
2. In Garageband where are the transport controls located?
3. What's that clicking sound I hear when I'm trying to record?
4. How can you edit a track?

Homework #2
1. After you've created a track how can you change the tempo?
2. What does the solo icon look like?
3. What do you have to do to play the keyboard with your computer keys?
4. How do you save your track in iTunes?

Homework #3
1. How can you add a vocal track in Garageband?
2. Where is the zoom control located?
3. How do you get the loop cursor for a single track?
4. What is feedback in Garageband?

Due Friday Dec 9 or Friday Dec 16 if by email (

Monday, November 28, 2011

Homework 2011-2012 C2 #13-15

Answer the following questions:

Homework #13

1. When were drum rudiments invented?
2. Who invented them?
3. What was their purpose?
4. How many rudiments are there?

Homework #14

1. What is a flam?
2. What does it look like?
3. What is the sticking for a 5 stroke roll?
4. How is it written?

Homework #15

1. What is a ruff?
2. What is another name for it?
3. How is a ruff written?
4. What is a paradiddle?

Due Wednesday Nov. 30, 2011

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Homework 2011-2012 C2 #10-12

Answer the following questions:

Homework #10

1. What are the two chords the A section of Fur Elise is based around?
2. What does the left hand do during the second chord?
3. What is one difference in the two endings of the A section?

Homework #11

1. What beat does the melody of the A section start on?
2. What does it mean to swell a phrase?
3. What does it mean when there is a slur over a phrase?

Homework # 12

1. What key does the B section of Fur Elise briefly go to?
2. What piano technique is used to play the first four notes of the B section?
3. How is the left hand part in the B section similar to the left hand in the A section?

Due Friday Nov 18 or Wednesday Nov 23 by email (

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Homework 2011-2012 C2 #7-9

Answer the following questions:

Homework #7
1. What was the original title of Fur Elise?
2. What notes are in an A minor chord?
3. How many beats per bar are in 3/8 time?
4. What is the 5th (so) of the key of A minor?

Homework #8
1. Why was Beethoven an important classical composer?
2. What does it mean when there is a star after the abbreviation Ped. in piano music?
3. How many sections are there in Fur Elise and how can they be described?
4. When was Fur Elise written?

Homework #9
1. Who is the "Elise" in "Fur Elise" rumored to be?
2. What are the first 6 notes of the left hand part of Fur Elise?
3. What is the first chord in the B section of Fur Elise?
4. What is the last note of the B section of Fur Elise?

Due Monday Nov 14th or Friday Nov 18 if by email (

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Homework 2011-2012 C2 #4-6

Answer the following questions:

Homework #4
1. How are accents written in drum music?
2. What does bpm stand for?
3. What does this symbol (./.)stand for?
4. How do you count triplets?

Homework #5
1. What does it mean when a note has dot after it?
2. What does cresc. mean?
3. What is the symbol for loud?
4. What does a 16th rest look like?

Homework #6
1. How many REGULAR 16th notes does 16th note TRIPLETS take the place of?
2. What are the multi-drum drumline players called?
3. What kind of beaters are these drums played with?
4. What is the ratio of cymbal players to snare drummers in an average drum line?

Due Monday, November 7, 2011 or Monday, November 14, 2011 if by email (

Monday, October 24, 2011

Homework 2011-2012 C2 #1-3

Answer the following questions:

Homework #1
1. What are the names of two kinds grips for drumsticks?
2. What are three kinds of rolls you can play on the drums?
3. How can you play a roll?
4. If a roll isn't coming out right what can you do to improve?

Homework #2
1. What is Nick Cannon's character, Devon's biggest problem in the movie Drumline?
2. What is Dr. Lee's problem in the same movie?
3. What is Devon's girlfriend, Lila's problem?
4. How are each of these problems solved?

Homework #3
1. How do you count eighth notes?
2. How do you count sixteenths?
3. In drum music what staff is it written on?
4. Where are the snare drum notes written?

Due Monday, October 31, 2011 or Monday, November 7, 2011 if by email (

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Homework 2011-2012 C1 #13-15

Answer the following questions:

Homework #13
1. If you are having trouble fretting a note on the guitar, what are some things you can do to make it sound clearer?
2. How many notes make up a power chord?
3. What are the letter names of the strings in standard guitar tuning?
4. What is palm muting?

Homework #14

1. What is the fingering (which fingers on which strings) for the D chord in GB lesson#3?
2. What is an alternative fingering for the above chord?
3. What is a chord diagram?
4. What does it mean when there is an x in a chord diagram?

Homework #15

1. In a 12 bar blues in A, how many bars do you hold on each chord?
2. What is the difference between an E minor chord and an E major chord on the guitar?
3. What chord shape does the A minor chord have on the guitar?
4. What is a capo?

Due Tuesday October 18, 2011

Monday, October 3, 2011

Homework 2011-2012 C1 #10-12

Answer the following questions:

Homework #10

1. What are the 6 main parts of the guitar?
2. In the string numbering system of the guitar, what number is the thickest string?
3. What frets usually have markers on the guitar?
4. What is a plectrum?
5. What are some uses for the thumb when playing guitar?

Homework #11

1. How does the sound come out of an acoustic guitar?
2. What anchors the strings to the body of any guitar?
3. What are the metal strips set into the fingerboard of a guitar called?
4. How do tuning pegs work?
5. What are the main differences between and electric and acoustic guitar?

Homework #12

1. On the guitar, if the fingering for a G chord is:
6th string - 3rd fret,
5th string - 2nd fret,
1st string - 3rd fret
and the rest open, what is the fingering for a C chord?
2. On the guitar, what is the fingering for an E chord?
3. On the guitar, what is the fingering for an A chord?
4. On the guitar, what is the fingering for a D chord?
5. Which chords do you need to play the blues in GarageBand guitar lesson 3?
6. What kind of rhythm do you use for the blues in GB guitar lesson 3?

Due Friday Oct 7, 2011 or Friday October 14th if by email (

Monday, September 26, 2011

Homework 2011-2012 C1 #7-9

Answer the following questions:

Homework #7

1. Where is middle C located on the staff?
2. In piano music. what is it called when the bass staff and the treble staff are connected together?
3. What notes make up an A minor chord?
4. What chords are used in Garageband piano lesson #3?

Homework #8

1. What does a quarter note look like and how many beats does it get?
2. What do you call the notation that indicates a space where no note is being played?
3. What does a half note rest look like?
4. What do the top and bottom numbers in a time signature mean?

Homework #9

1. What do sharps look like? What do flats look like?
2. How do you know if a black key is a sharp or a flat?
3. How many half steps are in a whole step?
4. What is the pattern of whole steps and half steps in the major scale?

Due Monday Oct 3, 2011 or Friday Oct 7, 2011 if by email (

Monday, September 19, 2011

Homework 2011-2012 C1 #4-6

Answer the following questions:

Homework #4

1. Where is the C key located on the piano?
2. How should your arms be when playing the piano?
3. How should your fingers be when playing the piano?
4. What fingers do you use to play a root position chord?

Homework #5

1. How are the fingers numbered when playing the piano?
2. What does tempo mean?
3. What is a chord progression?
4. Name some techniques for getting around on the piano without looking at the keys.

Homework #6
1. What is it called when music is written down?
2. What are the names of the white notes on the piano keyboard?
3. What does it mean when notes are stacked on top of each other?
4. What is the phrase to help remember the lines on the treble staff?
5. What do the spaces on the treble staff spell?
6. How should your fingers be positioned when you play Ode to Joy in GB piano lesson 2?

Due Friday Sept 23, 2011 or Monday Oct 3, 2011 if by email (

Monday, September 12, 2011

Homework 2011-2012 C1 #1-3

Homework #1

Answer the following questions:

1. What was Pythagoras' contribution to music?
2. What was the problem with it?
3. How might he have made these discoveries?

Homework #2

Answer the following questions:

1. What is the strongest overtone in the harmonic series?
2. What is the emotional impact of that overtone?
3. How many notes are in the western diatonic scale?

Homework #3

Answer the following questions:

1. What would you call a scale with just one note in it?
2. Name two other popular scales?
3. What are notes not in the scale called?

Due Monday, September 19, 2011

Monday, April 11, 2011

Homework 2010-2011 C5 #12

Using all the notes in your outline write a first draft of your research paper. Do not worry about making it five pages. It can be as long or short as it needs to be, as long as it contains all of the elements that you have provided in your outline. In class on Thursday I would like you to print out a copy of your outline and your first draft of the research paper.

Homework 2010-2011 C5 #11

For each of the three ideas that you've written in homework # 10 find three supporting statements or sources and organize them in terms of week, strong and strongest. Then put them in your outline.

Homework 2010-2011 C5 #10

For tonight's homework you are to rewrite the body of your outline. I would like you to organize the A, B and C points in the following order; weak, strong and strongest. You may not need to rewrite everything because you can cut-and-paste or you can fold homework number 9 into this assignment. Tomorrow in computer lab we will expand upon this idea.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Homework 2010-2011 C5 #9

Organize your 12 arguments like this.

1. Weakest argument
A. Weakest supporting argument
B. Stronger supporting argument
C. Strongest supporting argument

2. Stronger argument
A. Weakest supporting argument
B. Stronger supporting argument
C. Strongest supporting argument

3. Strongest argument
A. Weakest supporting argument
B. Stronger supporting argument
C. Strongest supporting argument

Homework 2010-2011 C5 #8

Find three arguments or statements that support your thesis statement in your paper. Rate your arguments in order of strength. Find three arguments that support each of these arguments and rate them in order of strength. You should have a total of 12 arguments.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Homework 2010-2011 C5 #7

Write a one page introduction to your paper.

Start by answering the question - Why did you choose this topic?
Then - What did you know about the topic before you started the research?
Then - What did you find out that you didn't know when you started?
And finally - What kind of paper are you going to write: Compare and contrast, analysis of problem, factual report or review?
Then put your thesis statement.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Homework 2010-2011 C5 #6

Write a tentative outline for your research paper.

Homework 2010-2011 C5 #5

Find 5 more sources for information you might use in your research paper.

Homework 2010-2011 C5 #4

After reading the material you selected in HW#3, write your thesis statement. Your thesis statement should not be in the form of a question. It should be what you believe is the answer to that question. You do not need to have proof yet.

Guidelines for Music Research Paper

1. The topic must be something relating to music.
2. Any source quoted directly must be notated in the end notes on the last page.
3. The final paper must be typewritten.
4. The paper should be approximately 5 pages in MS Word, using 12 point, Times font, double spaced, including the endnotes.
5. The endnotes should be in the MLA format with the notes in order of appearance with the number in superscript AFTER the citation in the text and BEFORE the source in the endnotes. You can get superscript by clicking the superscript button in the Formatting Palette in MS word.

A good source for information on the format for the research paper is here:

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Homework 2010-2011 C5 #3

 List five sources of credible information that you might use to develop your research paper.

Homework 2010-2011 C5 #2

List 5 questions you may have about your research topic.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Homework 2010-2011 C5 #1

Your class project is a research paper that focuses on some aspect of music. For your first homework of this cycle decide on a research topic for you class project.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Homework 2011 C4 #9-12

Answer the following questions:

 Homework #12

What is the fifth (so) of the following chords?
1. C
2. A
3. G
4. F
5. Bb
6. Eb
7. F#

Homework #11

For the drum kit:
1. What is the downbeat?
2. What is the backbeat?
3. What is a high hat?
4. What was it originally called? Why?
5. Who invented the drum kit?
6. What is swing feel?
7. Where do you usually play a ride pattern?

Homework #10

1. In the standard rock beat, on what beats does the bass drum play?
2. How is a rim shot played?
3. Name one difference between a ride cymbal and a crash cymbal.
4. What is syncopation?
5. What is the difference between a shuffle and swing?
6. How do drummers play a closed roll?
7. What fingers are used to grip a drumstick?

Homework #9

1. What is the difference between an E minor chord and and E major chord?
2. What fingering shape does an A minor chord have?
3. Do you usually say major when talking about an E major chord?
4. What does a capo do?
5. What do you call making the same shapes on the guitar sound higher?
6. How many eighth notes per beat are there in 12/8 time?
7. What are the new chords in this GB Basic guitar lesson #4?

Due Monday, March 14, or Monday March 21, 2011 if by email (

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Guidelines for the Cycle 4 class project song

1. The song must be created in school.

2. The song can have up to 3 collaborators. The collaborators must be current students in the music class.

3. The song must have a chord progression.

4. The song must have 3 distinct sections. Two of the sections must repeat at least twice.

5. If the song does not have lyrics then it must have a melody line played on a solo instrument.

6. The song must be submitted before March 18, 2011.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Homework 2010-2011 C4 #5-8

Answer the following questions:

Homework 2010-2011 C4 #5

1. What is the line that middle C is written on called?
2. In piano music when the bass and treble staffs are connected together, what is it called?
3. How many different notes (with different names) are there on all pianos?
4. How many beats does a half note get?
5. What is a metronome?
6. Where is C located on the piano in relation to the black notes?
7. Where is G located on the piano in relation to the black notes?

Homework 2010-2011 C4 #6
1. On the guitar, what is the fingering for a G chord?
2. On the guitar, what is the fingering for a C chord?
3. On the guitar, what is the fingering for an E chord?
4. On the guitar, what is the fingering for an A chord?
5. On the guitar, what is the fingering for a D chord?
6. What chords do you need to play the blues in GB guitar lesson 3?
7. What kind of rhythm do you use for the blues in GB guitar lesson 3?

Homework 2010-2011 C4 #7

1. How do you erase something in Garageband?
2. How can you erase an entire track in Garageband?
3. How can you fix the timing in your track?
4. How can you hear yourself if you're recording a vocal?
5. How do you get the t-pain effect on your vocal?
6. Why doesn't the loop I recorded sound right when I loop it?
7. What's that clicking sound I hear when I'm trying to record?

Homework 2010-2011 C4 #8

1. How can you add a vocal track in Garageband?
2. Where is the zoom control located?
3. What is the difference between the loop button in the transport section and the loop cursor?
4. What is feedback in Garageband?
5. What are the hot keys to bring up the musical typing keyboard?
6. Why can't you drag a blue loop into a green track?
7. What does the mute icon look like?

Due Monday, February 28th or Monday, March 7, 2011 if by email (

Monday, February 7, 2011

Homework 2010-2011 C4 #1 through 4

Answer the following questions:

C4 HW#1

1. Where is the C key located on the piano?
2. How should your arms be when playing the piano?
3. How should your fingers be when playing the piano?
4. What number finger is your pinkie?
5. What fingers do you use to play a root position chord?
6. What does tempo mean?
7. What is a chord progression?

C4 HW#2

1. How does the sound come out of an acoustic guitar?
2. What anchors the strings to the body of any guitar?
3. What are the metal strips set into the fingerboard of a guitar called?
4. Where are the tuning pegs located?
5. What is the number of the thickest string on a guitar?
6. How do tuning pegs work?
7. What are the main differences between and electric and acoustic guitar?

C4 HW#3

1. In Garageband where are the transport controls located?
2. What does the loop icon look like?
3. How can you edit a track?
4. After you've created a track how can you change the tempo?
5. What does the solo icon look like?
6. What do you have to do to play the keyboard with your computer keys?
7. How do you save your track in iTunes?

C4 HW#4

1. What is it called when music is written down?
2. What are the names of the white notes on the piano keyboard?
3. What does it mean when notes are stacked on top of each other?
4. What note is on the bottom line of the treble clef staff?
5. What do the spaces on the treble staff spell?
6. What is the phrase to help remember the lines on the treble staff?
7. How should your fingers be positioned when you play Ode to Joy in GB piano lesson 2?

Due Monday Feb 14, 2011 or Monday Feb 28, 2011 if by email (