Monday, September 26, 2011

Homework 2011-2012 C1 #7-9

Answer the following questions:

Homework #7

1. Where is middle C located on the staff?
2. In piano music. what is it called when the bass staff and the treble staff are connected together?
3. What notes make up an A minor chord?
4. What chords are used in Garageband piano lesson #3?

Homework #8

1. What does a quarter note look like and how many beats does it get?
2. What do you call the notation that indicates a space where no note is being played?
3. What does a half note rest look like?
4. What do the top and bottom numbers in a time signature mean?

Homework #9

1. What do sharps look like? What do flats look like?
2. How do you know if a black key is a sharp or a flat?
3. How many half steps are in a whole step?
4. What is the pattern of whole steps and half steps in the major scale?

Due Monday Oct 3, 2011 or Friday Oct 7, 2011 if by email (

Monday, September 19, 2011

Homework 2011-2012 C1 #4-6

Answer the following questions:

Homework #4

1. Where is the C key located on the piano?
2. How should your arms be when playing the piano?
3. How should your fingers be when playing the piano?
4. What fingers do you use to play a root position chord?

Homework #5

1. How are the fingers numbered when playing the piano?
2. What does tempo mean?
3. What is a chord progression?
4. Name some techniques for getting around on the piano without looking at the keys.

Homework #6
1. What is it called when music is written down?
2. What are the names of the white notes on the piano keyboard?
3. What does it mean when notes are stacked on top of each other?
4. What is the phrase to help remember the lines on the treble staff?
5. What do the spaces on the treble staff spell?
6. How should your fingers be positioned when you play Ode to Joy in GB piano lesson 2?

Due Friday Sept 23, 2011 or Monday Oct 3, 2011 if by email (

Monday, September 12, 2011

Homework 2011-2012 C1 #1-3

Homework #1

Answer the following questions:

1. What was Pythagoras' contribution to music?
2. What was the problem with it?
3. How might he have made these discoveries?

Homework #2

Answer the following questions:

1. What is the strongest overtone in the harmonic series?
2. What is the emotional impact of that overtone?
3. How many notes are in the western diatonic scale?

Homework #3

Answer the following questions:

1. What would you call a scale with just one note in it?
2. Name two other popular scales?
3. What are notes not in the scale called?

Due Monday, September 19, 2011